Treasury Warns of Challenges this Tax Season
January 13, 2022
Comcast Reports Widespread Internet Outage
In General.–The following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022:
(1) Internal revenue service.
(A) In general.
(i) Taxpayer services.
For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service to provide taxpayer services, including pre-filing assistance and education, filing and account services, taxpayer advocacy services, and other services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner, $3,181,500,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
(ii) Enforcement.
For necessary expenses for tax enforcement activities of the Internal Revenue Service to determine and collect owed taxes, to provide legal and litigation support, to conduct criminal investigations (including investigative technology), to provide digital asset monitoring and compliance activities, to enforce criminal statutes related to violations of internal revenue laws and other financial crimes, to purchase and hire passenger motor vehicles (31 U.S.C. 1343(b)), and to provide other services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner, $45,637,400,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
(iii) Operations support.
For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service to support taxpayer services and enforcement programs, including rent payments; facilities services; printing; postage; physical security; headquarters and other IRS-wide administration activities; research and statistics of income; telecommunications; information technology development, enhancement, operations, maintenance, and security; the hire of passenger motor vehicles (31 U.S.C. 1343(b)); the operations of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board; and other services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner, $25,326,400,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
(iv) Business systems modernization.
For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service’s business systems modernization program, including the development of callback technology and other technology to provide more personalized customer service but not including the operation and maintenance of legacy systems, $4,750,700,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
(B) Taskforce to design an IRS-run free “direct efile” tax return system.
For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service to deliver to Congress, within nine months following the date of the enactment of this Act, a report on
(i) the cost (including options for differential coverage based on taxpayer-adjusted gross income and return complexity) of developing and running a free direct efile tax return system, including costs to build and administer each release, with a focus on multi-lingual and mobile- friendly features and safeguards for taxpayer data;
(ii) taxpayer opinions, expectations, and level of trust, based on surveys, for such a free direct efile system; and
(iii) the opinions of an independent third party on the overall feasibility, approach, schedule, cost, organizational design, and Internal Revenue Service capacity to deliver such a direct efile tax return system, $15,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023:
Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
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(2) Treasury inspector general for tax administration.
For necessary expenses of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration in carrying out the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, including purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles (31 U.S.C. 1343(b)); and services authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, at such rates as may be determined by the Inspector General for Tax Administration, $403,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
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(3) Office of tax policy.
For necessary expenses of the Office of Tax Policy of the Department of the Treasury to carry out functions related to promulgating regulations under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, $104,533,803, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
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(4) United states tax court.
For necessary expenses of the United States Tax Court, including contract reporting and other services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109; $153,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.
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(5) Treasury departmental offices.
For necessary expenses of the Departmental Offices of the Department of the Treasury to provide for oversight and implementation support for actions by the Internal Revenue Service to implement this Act and the amendments made by this Act, $50,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes.